Selena Rezvani is a recognized author, speaker, and consultant on leadership. Her debut book, The Next Generation of Women Leaders: What You Need to Lead but Won't Learn in Business School (Praeger, 2009) identifies the need for Generation X and millennial women to be seen as a viable talent pool and leadership pipeline.
Her newest book, Pushback: How Smart Women Ask — and Stand Up — for What They Want (Jossey-Bass, 2012) focuses on the unmatched power of negotiation skills in women's career advancement, and was recognized with an Axiom Business Book Award.
Her experience and success in the women and leadership arena make Rezvani a frequent resource for news media and an in-demand business speaker. She has been quoted, interviewed, and profiled by CareerBuilder, The Wall Street Journal,, The LA Times, Marie Claire, NBC television, and ABC television.